You can play Geneva Chess on Musketeerches.net : http://musketeerchess.net/games/sp/captain/
This forum is dedicated to discussions around this game.
Geneva page is not working so far.jerome wrote: ↑Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:41 am
You can play Geneva Chess on Musketeerches.net : http://musketeerchess.net/games/sp/captain/
This forum is dedicated to discussions around this game.
You are correct, it is not an en passant capture, we can call it opposition-crossing capture or oc capture (b4c3 from image below and previous move is b2c4). Opposition since the origin of the pawn (B2 square from image below) that can be captured is located directly opposite from the enemy pawn (B4 square). Crossing since that move (b2c4, path: b2-b3-c4) had crossed the rank 3 where the enemy pawn at B4 square is capable of capturing on A3/C3 squares (C3 square is in rank 3) and that b2c4 move started at rank 2 and ended at rank 4, crossing rank 3.H.G.Muller wrote: ↑Thu Dec 12, 2019 3:48 pmThe diagram still leaves it unclear over which square the oblique initial moves can be reached (i.e. where they couldbe blocked), and where after them an enemy Pawn has to move to in order to e.p. capture. If I understood Zied correctly, these are actually different squares, so that e.p. capture is a bit of a misnomer, and 'en non-passant' would cover it better (as the Pawn is taken on a square over which it did not pass).
That is right.H.G.Muller wrote: ↑Sat Dec 14, 2019 11:38 amOK, that explains it. So an oblique Pawn move like b2-c4 can generate both an e.p. square and an o.c. square, depending on presence of enemy Pawns (on a4 for e.p. and on b4 for o.c.). The o.c.-square is different from an e.p. square in that it matters which capture move (left or right) of the Pawn reaches it; after b2-c4 a Pawn on d4 could not perform o.c.-capture to c3, but a Pawn on b4 can.
Since C3 is occupied, black cannot make an o.c capture. It can only do a normal capture bxc3. The white pawn at C4 is safe. Like in e.p square, the o.c square shall also be empty.H.G.Muller wrote: ↑Sat Dec 14, 2019 11:38 amWhat happens when the o.c. square is occupied, e.g. white had Pawns on b2 and c3, and plays b2-c4? Can black then make a double capture b4xc3 (taking c3 the normal way and c4 o.c.)?