Board painter
Re: Board painter
Thank you very much Jerome, it looks great.
Point 2 - I agree all pieces should have the same size, and probably - as you seem to say - the size should be determined by the size of the cell in the innermost circle for each board? I have no idea if this is doable, being completely ignorant in programming.
Point 2 - I agree all pieces should have the same size, and probably - as you seem to say - the size should be determined by the size of the cell in the innermost circle for each board? I have no idea if this is doable, being completely ignorant in programming.
Re: Board painter
When I save a board as a text file, the parameter "Rows start at" is not saved. I am playing Musketeer Chess, which starts at row zero, and it always loads with row one. There is an easy work around, but it is annoying.
Re: Board painter
it was actually a bug, should be fixed now.
Re: Board painter
Thanks for the fix. It is working fine now.
"X" move Icon Colour
I see that you can change the color of the one movement arrow, but I would like to change the color of the "X" move icon. I rotate it to become a "+" and place it over a king when it is in check. The white with black outline default color is difficult to notice over a white king. I would like to be able to change the color to make it pop.
Re: Board painter
I upgraded the Board painter. Many little changes and a new feature : a play mode to move pieces an share boards by any message application you want.
In play mode you can move pieces by selecting them and click in the destination cell.
No account needed, the URL describes the whole game status. A "Copy link" button is available when the game subset is defined.
Game sets
The board painter has hundreds of available pieces (more the 600 in February 2021). To share boards states of any kind we use some extended FEN notations, which needs pieces identification. We know standard pieces (K,N,R,Q,B,P) but we don't have abbreviations for all our pieces, and you might want to choose your owns, so we will need to define game subsets.
Extended FEN notation
We can have large boards (wider than 10 columns), and we can have more than 26 pieces, so any time a number or an abbreviation needs more than one char, it is enclosed with brackets.
The uppercase for white only concerns first char. For instance the Musketeer Fortress abbreviation is Fo, so in the link you will find [Fo] for white Fortress and [fo] for black fortress.
Play mode Links : url parameters
You don't have to understand everything, the "Copy link" button will do the job for you, but for those who might be interested, this is how it is encoded :
- gs : game set. It is the name of a predefined game subset which describes used pieces and their abbreviations
- bm : board mode ( 0 : painting / 1 : playing / 2 : editing subset (coming soon...))
- rr : number of reserved rows
- state : pieces positions using pseudo FEN notation.
- Orthodox start position : ?gs=classic&state=rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR
test it : ... P/RNBQKBNR
- A Musketeer position after choosing Canon and Fortress : ?gs=musk&state=2[ca]3[fo]1/rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR/1[Ca]4[Fo]1&rr=1
test it : ... [Fo]1&rr=1
- A Go non sense position : ?bs=go&gs=go&state=[19]/[19]/[19]/[19]/[19]/3WWWW5BBBB3/2W4W3B4B2/2W8B4B2/2W8B4B2/2W8B4B2/2W3WW3B4B2/2W4W3B4B2/2W4W3B4B2/3WWWW5BBBB3/[19]/[19]/[19]/[19]/[19]
test it : ... ]/[19]/[19]
- You can bookmarks URLs to store starting positions and limited pieces sets :
Classic : ... P/RNBQKBNR
Musketeer : ... BNR/8&rr=1
Go : ... ]/[19]/[19]
Xiangqi : ... /RHEAGAEHR
Xiangqi western : ... /RHEAGAEHR
Shogi : ... /LNSGKGSNL
Other updates
- Board size is saved in local storage, which means you can keep it as long as you use the same browser
- The Cart has been detached to a flying window for much better user experience
To be done
- Fix game set pieces rotation issue (Shogi) : edit 20feb21 19:03 fixed
- Play mode only available for square boards, could be extended to circular boards
- An "Edit game set" will soon be available. This is the only information to be saved on the server, so it will need user control, maybe using this forum user login.
- User manual
- ...
I upgraded the Board painter. Many little changes and a new feature : a play mode to move pieces an share boards by any message application you want.
In play mode you can move pieces by selecting them and click in the destination cell.
No account needed, the URL describes the whole game status. A "Copy link" button is available when the game subset is defined.
Game sets
The board painter has hundreds of available pieces (more the 600 in February 2021). To share boards states of any kind we use some extended FEN notations, which needs pieces identification. We know standard pieces (K,N,R,Q,B,P) but we don't have abbreviations for all our pieces, and you might want to choose your owns, so we will need to define game subsets.
Extended FEN notation
We can have large boards (wider than 10 columns), and we can have more than 26 pieces, so any time a number or an abbreviation needs more than one char, it is enclosed with brackets.
The uppercase for white only concerns first char. For instance the Musketeer Fortress abbreviation is Fo, so in the link you will find [Fo] for white Fortress and [fo] for black fortress.
Play mode Links : url parameters
You don't have to understand everything, the "Copy link" button will do the job for you, but for those who might be interested, this is how it is encoded :
- gs : game set. It is the name of a predefined game subset which describes used pieces and their abbreviations
- bm : board mode ( 0 : painting / 1 : playing / 2 : editing subset (coming soon...))
- rr : number of reserved rows
- state : pieces positions using pseudo FEN notation.
- Orthodox start position : ?gs=classic&state=rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR
test it : ... P/RNBQKBNR
- A Musketeer position after choosing Canon and Fortress : ?gs=musk&state=2[ca]3[fo]1/rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR/1[Ca]4[Fo]1&rr=1
test it : ... [Fo]1&rr=1
- A Go non sense position : ?bs=go&gs=go&state=[19]/[19]/[19]/[19]/[19]/3WWWW5BBBB3/2W4W3B4B2/2W8B4B2/2W8B4B2/2W8B4B2/2W3WW3B4B2/2W4W3B4B2/2W4W3B4B2/3WWWW5BBBB3/[19]/[19]/[19]/[19]/[19]
test it : ... ]/[19]/[19]
- You can bookmarks URLs to store starting positions and limited pieces sets :
Classic : ... P/RNBQKBNR
Musketeer : ... BNR/8&rr=1
Go : ... ]/[19]/[19]
Xiangqi : ... /RHEAGAEHR
Xiangqi western : ... /RHEAGAEHR
Shogi : ... /LNSGKGSNL
Other updates
- Board size is saved in local storage, which means you can keep it as long as you use the same browser
- The Cart has been detached to a flying window for much better user experience
To be done
- Fix game set pieces rotation issue (Shogi) : edit 20feb21 19:03 fixed
- Play mode only available for square boards, could be extended to circular boards
- An "Edit game set" will soon be available. This is the only information to be saved on the server, so it will need user control, maybe using this forum user login.
- User manual
- ...
- Attachments
- cart.png (56.04 KiB) Viewed 41118 times
Re: Board painter
The rotation issue for Shogi has been fixed.
Start position for Shogi : ... /LNSGKGSNL
Start position for Shogi : ... /LNSGKGSNL
Re: Board painter
I added the "Edit set" feature that allow members of this forum to create and edit their own game sets.
I started to write a bit of documentation to understand how it works : ... guide.html
I will add a way to list all the available game sets and links to start with each of them.
So now we can paint, play by messages, and edit game sets.

I added the "Edit set" feature that allow members of this forum to create and edit their own game sets.
I started to write a bit of documentation to understand how it works : ... guide.html
I will add a way to list all the available game sets and links to start with each of them.
So now we can paint, play by messages, and edit game sets.