Chexx is online

This is a new variant played on a 10x8 Board. Like in Capablanca Chess, we play with the classic pieces, 10 Pawns and with 2 Additional New Pieces.
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Chexx is online

Post by jerome » Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:30 am

The game is available here :

chexx-logo.png (45.68 KiB) Viewed 54606 times

In this variant, things are much more crazy. The new pieces are inspired from the next Musketeer Chess Series2 and Series3.
The 10 pieces of Series1 are present, with additional choice: Lion, Lioness, Tiger, Giraffe, Kangarou, Bear, Gorilla, Dog, Wolf, Camel, Zebra, Mammoth, Rhinoceros, T-Rex, Hyppopotamus, Aquila, Warrior, Glider, Wizard, Emperor, Griffin, Dragon (A new Figural piece that moves differently from version1 which moves like the Amazone = Queen + Knight), A new Figural Spider, Reduced Emperor, Citadel, Crowned Rook, Crowned Bishop, Crowned Knight, Buzzard, Shepherd, Tzar...

All the the details for the moves and captures are available in the rules section

Enjoy !
chexx-pieces.png (137.9 KiB) Viewed 54606 times

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Re: Chexx is online

Post by H.G.Muller » Tue Oct 23, 2018 9:25 pm

Why the ridiculously low version of the Hawk (in the rules section)? This must be a typo. I guess most of the pieces listed with value 5 were copy-pasted and not updated to any real value. (E.g. Crowned Rook is definitely way stronger than the Crowned Bishop). But 2.3 for a leaper with 16 moves...!?

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Re: Chexx is online

Post by musketeerchess » Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:17 pm

H.G.Muller wrote:
Tue Oct 23, 2018 9:25 pm
Why the ridiculously low version of the Hawk (in the rules section)? This must be a typo. I guess most of the pieces listed with value 5 were copy-pasted and not updated to any real value. (E.g. Crowned Rook is definitely way stronger than the Crowned Bishop). But 2.3 for a leaper with 16 moves...!?
The values of the pieces are not updated; the values listed are just some default values used in the programming but not at all accurate.

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Re: Chexx is online

Post by Pionissimo » Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:00 am

Dear Musketeer,
I see today all that new moves/pieces you intend for Chexx. I hope it is an idea you had in the past and that you have changed your mind now. Too many of these pieces have arbitrary complex moves. Some are well know already with well established moves and here they are proposed with something different. It is really a pity. It was the critic I had made already on half of the Musketeer chess pieces. If those new pieces are marketed that way it will increase a lot the confusion in the small world of chess variants and will give more arguments for those who critic CVs. It is not too late to take all the good from your creativity and come to something great.

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